


Section A: Business Economics
1. Which one of the following would cause the demand curve for bagels to shift to the left?
a. A decrease in the cost of muffins.
b. An increase in the population.
c. A decrease in the price of bagels.
d. An increase in the supply of bagels.
1. 下列哪项会使面包圈的需求曲线向左移动?
a. 松饼的成本下降
b. 人口增加
c. 面包圈的价格下降
d. 面包圈的供给增加
2. Which one of the following would cause the demand curve for prepared meals sold in supermarkets to
shift to the right?
a. An increase in the price of prepared meals.
b. An increase in consumer income.
c. A decrease in the price of restaurant meals.
d. An increase in the supply of prepared meals.
2. 下列哪项会使超市中出售的速食的需求曲线向右移动?
a. 速食的价格升高
b. 消费者收入增加
c. 饭店的价格下降
d. 速食的供给增加

4. All of the following will increase the demand for a factor of production except
a. an increase in the demand for the product.
b. an increase in the marginal revenue product of the factor of production.
c. training aimed at increasing productivity.
d. an increase in the supply of the factor of production.
4. 下列哪项不会增加一种生产要素的需求?
a. 该产品的需求增加
b. 该生产要素的边际收入产品增加
c. 旨在提高生产率的培训
d. 该生产要素的供给增加
5. If the demand for a product is elastic, a price increase will result in
a. no change in total revenue.
b. an increase in total revenue.
c. a decrease in total revenue.
d. an indeterminate change in revenue.
5. 假设产品的需求是有弹性的,那么价格增加会造成:
a. 总收入不变
b. 总收入增加
c. 总收入减少
d. 收入变动不确定

7. An economist determined the following market data for a commodity.
Price Quantity Supplied Quantity Demanded
$25 250 750
50 500 500
75 750 250
100 1,000 0
Based on this information, which one of the following statements is correct?
a. In the short-term, there would be excess supply at a price of $40.
b. In the long-run, if producers’ costs per unit decline, then a reasonable market clearing price could
be $65.
c. In the short-term, there would be excess demand at a price of $70.
d. In the long-run, if producers’ costs per unit increase, then a reasonable market clearing price
could be $70.
7. 一经济学家为一商品确定了如下的市场数据:
价格 供给数量 需求数量
美元25 250 750
50 500 500
75 750 250
100 1,000 0
Based on this information, which one of the following statements is correct?
a. 在短期,价格为40美元时,供给过剩
b. 在长期,如果生产商的单位成本下降,那么合理的市场出清价格为65美元
c. 在短期,价格为70美元时需求过剩
d. 在长期,如果生产商的单位成本增加,那么合理的市场出清价格为70美元
8. If the quantity demanded is less than the quantity supplied at a particular price, then
a. there is a shortage and the price will increase over time.
b. the price is below the equilibrium price.
c. there is a surplus and the price will decrease over time.
d. there is a surplus and demand will increase over time.
8. 如果在一定的价格时需求数量比供给数量小,那么
a. 存在短缺,价格会随时间增加而增加
b. 价格在均衡价格之下
c. 存在过剩,价格会随时间增加而下降
d. 存在过剩,需求会随时间增加而增加

10. With regard to elasticity, all of the following statements are correct except that
a. the price elasticity of demand is calculated as the percentage change in quantity demanded
divided by the percentage change in price.
b. the availability of substitute products generally results in a product having high price elasticity.
c. the price elasticity of demand indicates the degree of response to a change in price.
d. demand tends to be more inelastic when the expenditures on a product are quite high relative to a
consumer’s budget.
10. 关于弹性,下列说法中错误的是:
a. 需求的价格弹性等于需求数量变动的百分比除以价格变动的百分比
b. 替代产品的可用性一般会造成产品的价格弹性高
c. 需求的价格弹性是指对价格变动的反应程度
d. 当产品支出与消费者的预算高度相关时,需求倾向于更缺乏弹性
12. If the demand for a good is elastic, then a(n)
a. decrease in price will increase total revenue.
b. increase in price will increase total revenue.
c. decrease in price will decrease total revenue.
d. increase in price will have no effect on total revenue.
12. 如果某产品的需求是有弹性的,那么:
a. 价格下降会使总收入增加
b. 价格上升会使总收入增加
c. 价格下降会使总收入减少
d. 价格上升对总收入无影响
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